PHP & MySQL Course Description


Introduction to HTML
HTML Documents
Structural Elements Of HTML Documents
Formatting HTML Documents
Managing Images In HTML
Tables In HTML Documents
Hypertext And Link In HTML Documents
Special Effects In HTML Documents
Managing Forms


What is CSS?
Types of Cascading Style Sheets
Advantages of using CSS Technology
CSS Syntax Structure
Inline,Internal & External CSS method
Lists of CSS Attributes, Properties and values
Types of CSS Selectors.
CSS Spacing, Padding, Margin & Borders
Apply CSS on HTML form and Table.
Methods of Using CSS for Web Page Layout
How to create CSS Horizontal menus?
How to create CSS Vertical menus?
Putting Together Layout and Menu Systems
Basic Design Examples
CSS Validation for website?
How to write short coding in CSS?
Depricative selectors in CSS


What is jQuery?
Downloading and installing jQuery
Creating a simple jQuery-enabled page
Overview of jQuery’s features
Using basic jQuery selectors
Form selectors and filters
Creating, getting, and setting content
Manipulating attributes
Inserting content
Wrapping, replacing, and removing content
jQuery with CSS
jQuery event handling features
Hiding and showing elements
Fading elements in and out
Sliding elements
Exploring the jQuery UI widgets
Exploring the jQuery UI effects
jQuery Calendar
Form validation with Jquery


XMLHttpRequest Instantiation and Method
Asynchronous vs Synchronous Requests
Callback Function ready State
Node Attributes, Name and Value
Key Word – this
Creating and Removing Nodes
JavaScript Object and Array Creation Using Literals
JavaScript Objects in Arrays & Arrays in ObjectsJSON Syntax
JSON Parsers
JSON Data Transfer Between Client and Server
Username Availability

Hosting Fundamentals & Methods
 Introduction to PHP

The Origin of PHP
PHP is better than Its alternatives
Interfaces to External systems
How PHP works with the Web Server
Hardware and Software requirements
What a PHP script looks like
Saving data for later
Receiving user input
Repeating code

PHP Development

How PHP scripts work
Basic PHP syntax
PHP data types
Displaying type information
Testing for a specific data type
Changing type with Set type
Variable manipulation
Dynamic variables
String in PHP

Control Structures

The if statement
Using the else clause with if statement
The switch statement
Using the ? operator
The while statement
The do while statement
The for statement
Breaking out of loops
Nesting loops


What a function
Defining a function
Returning value from function
User-defined functions
Dynamic function calls
Variable scope
Accessing variable with the global statement
Function calls with the static statement
Setting default values for arguments
Passing arguments to a function by value
Passing arguments to a function by reference
Testing for function existence


Single-Dimensional Arrays
Multidimensional Arrays
Casting Arrays
Associative arrays
Accessing arrays
Getting the size of an array
Looping through an array
Looping through an associative array
Examining arrays
Joining arrays
Sorting arrays
Sorting an associative arrays
Array Related Functions


The anatomy of a cookie
Setting a cookie with PHP
Deleting a cookie
Creating session cookie
Working with the query string
Creating query string


What is session
Starting a session
Working with session variables
Destroying session
Passing session Ids
Encoding and decoding session variables

Working With The File System

Creating and deleting a file
Reading and writing text files
Working with directories in PHP
Checking for existence of file
Determining file size
Opening a file for writing, reading, or appending
Writing Data to the file
Reading characters

Working With Forms

Super global variables
The server array
A script to acquire user input
Importing user input
Accessing user input
Combine HTML and PHP code
Using hidden fields
Redirecting the user
File upload and scripts

Classes And Objects

Objects oriented programming
Define a class
An Object
Creating an object
Object properties
Object methods
Object constructors and destructors
Class constants
Class inheritance
Abstract classes and methods
Object serialization
Checking for class and method existence

 Disk Access, I/O, Math And Mail

HTTP connections
Writing to the browser
Getting input from forms
Output buffering
Session handling
Regular expression
Common math
Random numbers
File upload
File download
Environment variables
E-mail in PHP

Database Connectivity Through MYSQL

Introduction to SQL
Connecting to the MYSQL
Selecting a database
Finding out about errors
Adding data to a table
Acquiring the value
Finding the number of rows
Inserting data
Entering and updating data
Executing multiple queries